Decoding RNA function thorugh its localization
Gabrijela Dumbovic
STARR lab, Goethe University
Sala de Graus del Aulari UB Bellvitge
On Thursday, Dec 21st Dr. Gabrijela Dumbovic will be at our Campus to give the seminar “Decoding RNA function thorugh its localization”
Where: Sala de Graus del Aulari
When: Thursday 21th 11:00h
Hosted by Sonia Forcales – Immunity, inflammation and cancer group
Dr. Dumbovic leads the Spatial Transcriptome Regulation and lncRNA Function lab at the Institute of cardiovascular regeneration, Goethe University ,Frankfurt. She has pioneered the discovery of molecular mechanisms and functional relevance of spatial regulation of the coding and non-coding transcriptome using state-of-the-art imaging, single-cell and biochemical technologies