{"id":22204,"date":"2023-03-17T15:41:55","date_gmt":"2023-03-17T14:41:55","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/idibell.cat\/en\/?page_id=22204"},"modified":"2023-03-17T16:01:31","modified_gmt":"2023-03-17T15:01:31","slug":"infections-and-cancer","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/idibell.cat\/en\/research\/cancer-area\/epidemiology-public-health-cancer-prevention-and-palliative-care-program\/infections-and-cancer\/","title":{"rendered":"Infections and Cancer"},"content":{"rendered":"\n\n\t

Infections and Cancer<\/h1>\n


The Infections and Cancer group focusses on the fight between viruses and hosts, from an evolutionary perspective: the antiviral mechanisms which animals have developed and the antiviral strategies which have contributed to virus selection. It researches the connection between infection and cancer, as exemplified by the human papilloma virus (HPV).<\/p>\n


\nStrategic lines<\/a>
\nHuman papilloma virus (HPV) and genital cancer.
\nHPV and cancer of the oesophagus, oral cavity, skin, vagina, vulva, penis and anus.
\nHepatotropic viruses (hepatitis B and C virus – HBV, HCV) and cancer of the liver.
\nTrials on HPV vaccination and intervention studies on cancer prevention.
\nInfectious aetiology of malignant lymphomas.
\nWHO\/ICO HPV and Cervical Cancer Information Centre.
\nDevelopment of logistics instruments for coordination and diffusion of information regarding viruses and cancer.
\nScreening and prevention of genital cancer.
\nEvaluation of virus detection technologies.
\nFinancial modelling and evaluation of cancer prevention measures.
Selected Publications<\/a>

Kolijn PMM, Saberi Hosnijeh F, Sp\u00e4th F, Hengeveld PJ, Agathangelidis A, Saleh M, Casabonne D, Benavente Y, Jerkeman M, Agudo A, Barricarte A, Besson C, S\u00e1nchez MJ, Chirlaque MD, Masala G, Sacerdote C, Grioni S, Schluze M, Nieters A, Engelfriet P, Hultdin M, McKay JD, Vermeulen RCH, Langerak AW. HIGH-RISK SUBTYPES OF CHRONIC LYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIA ARE DETECTABLE AS EARLY AS 16 YEARS PRIOR TO DIAGNOSIS<\/strong>. Blood. 2022;139(10):1557-1563. doi:10.1182\/blood.2021012890.<\/p>\n

Watson Jones D, Changalucha J, Whitworth H, Pinto L, Mutani P, Indangasi J, Kemp T, Hashim R, Kamala B, Wiggins R, Songoro T, Connor N, Mbwanji G, Pavon MA, Lowe B, Mmbando D, Kapiga S, Mayaud P, de Sanjos\u00e9 S, Dillner J, Hayes RJ, Lacey CJ, Baisley K. Immunogenicity and safety of one-dose human papillomavirus vaccine compared with two or three doses in Tanzanian girls (DoRIS)<\/strong>: an open-label, randomised, non-inferiority trial. Lancet Glob. Health. 2022;10(10):1473-1484. doi:10.1016\/S2214-109X(22)00309-6.<\/p>\n

Herzog C, Mar\u00edn F, Jones A, Evans I, Reisel D, Redl E, Schreiberhuber L, Paytubi S, Pelegrina B, Carmona \u00c1, Peremiquel Trillas P, Frias Gomez J, Pineda M, Brunet J, Ponce J, Matias Guiu X, de Sanjos\u00e9 S, Alemany L, Olaitan A, Wong M, Jurkovic D, Crosbie EJ, Rosenthal AN, Bj\u00f8rge L, Zikan M, Dostalek L, Cibula D, Sundstr\u00f6m K, Dillner J, Costas L, Widschwendter M. A Simple Cervicovaginal Epigenetic Test for Screening and Rapid Triage of Women With Suspected Endometrial Cancer: Validation in Several Cohort and Case\/Control Sets<\/strong>. J. Clin. Oncol. 2022;40(33):3828-doi:10.1200\/JCO.22.00266.<\/p>\n

Paytubi S, Benavente Y, Montoliu A, Binefa G, Brotons M, Ibanez R, Ochoa C, Peremiquel Trillas P, Serrano B, Travier N, Alemany L, Costas L. Everything causes cancer? Beliefs and attitudes towards cancer prevention among anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, and reptilian conspiracists: online cross sectional survey<\/strong>. BMJ-British Medical Journal. 2022;379doi:10.1136\/bmj-2022-072561.<\/p>\n

Bruni L, Serrano B, Roura E, Alemany L, Cowan M, Herrero R, Poljak M, Murillo R, Broutet N, Riley LM, de Sanjose S. Cervical cancer screening programmes and age-specific coverage estimates for 202 countries and territories worldwide: a review and synthetic analysis<\/strong>. Lancet Glob. Health. 2022;10(8):1115-1127.<\/p>\n

Selected Projects<\/a><\/p>\n


CEE21039. PERCH: PartnERship to Contrast HPV<\/strong>. COMISSI\u00d3 EUROPEA. Budget: 409468,03. 2022-2025. PI: Brotons Agull\u00f3, Maria.<\/p>\n

MCI22005. WOMEC ADVANCED : NUEVAS APROXIMACIONES PARA EL DIAGN\u00d3STICO DE C\u00c1NCER DE ENDOMETRIO<\/strong>. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci\u00f3n. Budget: 194288. 2022-2025. PI: Costas Caudet, Laura.<\/p>\n

19CEE002. HEADSpAcE: Translational studies of HEAD and neck cancer in South America and Europe<\/strong>. COMISSI\u00d3 EUROPEA. Budget: 249985. 2019-2023. PI: Alemany Vilches, Laia.<\/p>\n

PNJ22019. Reduction of VIral InFectivity and Transmission in HPV positive women before and after vaccination with GARDASIL-9<\/strong>. The effect in oral and anal body fluids and after 1- or 2- vaccine doses (RIFT-HPV II)<\/strong>. MERCK SHARP & DOHME ESPA\u00d1A S.A.. Budget: 140478,25. 2021-9999. PI: Bosch Jos\u00e9, Francesc Xavier.<\/p>\n

FIS21057. Human papillomavirus protection index (HPV-PI)<\/strong>. Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII). Budget: 47190. 2022-2024. PI: Bruni Coccoz, Laia.<\/p>\n


Alemany Vilches, Maria Eulalia<\/h4>\n


Principal investigators<\/h2>\n


Alemany Vilches, Maria Eulalia<\/h4>\n



Benavente Moreno, Yolanda<\/h4>\n



Bosch Jose, FcoJavier<\/h4>\n



Ib\u00e1\u00f1ez P\u00e9rez, Raquel<\/h4>\n



Bruni Coccoz, Laia<\/h4>\n



Company Serrat, Assumpta<\/h4>\n



Pavon Ribas, Miquel Angel<\/h4>\n



Costas Caudet, Laura<\/h4>\n






Team<\/h2>\n Group leaders <\/a>
Principal investigators <\/a>
Clinical researchers <\/a>
Postdoctoral researchers <\/a>
Predoctoral researchers <\/a>
Scientific support <\/a>
Management support <\/a>
\nGroup leaders\n