Psychoneurobiology of eating and addictive behaviours


The Psychoneurobiology of Eating and Addictive Behaviors Group from University Hospital of Bellvitge–HUB/IDIBELL is directed by senior investigators Dr Fernando Fernández-Aranda and Dr Susana Jiménez-Murcia. This group includes both Eating Disorders and Behavioural Addictions units, which are part of the Department of Psychiatry in the University Hospital of Bellvitge, Barcelona.
The team has been active for more than 20 years and takes part as one of the groups of excellence in the Centre for Biomedical Research in Network-Pathophysiology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN) of the Carlos III Institute of Health (ISCIII) since 2007. During this period thus far, it has achieved a high level of clinical and research activity. From a broad perspective, the Eating Disorders Unit provides specialized healthcare for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. It features an outpatient clinic, day hospital and inpatient services. Likewise, the Behavioral Addictions Unit is the largest public healthcare resource in Spain for these types of disorders and has highly consolidated experience in the diagnosis and treatment of behavioural addictions. Because of the Units high level of clinical activity, they have been officially recognized as national referral centres for difficult cases. Furthermore, the group perform cutting-edge research into the aetiology and treatment of these disorders, as well as new research lines focused on neurosciences with an important scientific production and international presence.



Psychoneurobiology of Eating and Addictive Behaviors

Fernández Aranda, Fernando


Jiménez Murcia, Susana

Principal investigators


Fernández Aranda, Fernando


Arcelus, Jon


Jiménez Murcia, Susana


Granero Pérez, Roser


Agüera Imbernón, Zaida Palmira


Group Leaders
  • Fernández Aranda, Fernando
  • Jiménez Murcia, Susana
Principal Investigators
Clinical researchers
Postdoctoral researchers
Predoctoral researchers
Scientific support
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