Jesús Fernández-Crespo: ”We will succeed when we align what we want to be with how we want to get it”


The first visit of the new general director of the Institute of Health Carlos III, Jesús Fernández-Crespo, to one of the centers accredited health research institutes has been the IDIBELL. On March 23 Jesús Fernández-Crespo, gave a talk on organizational culture and strategy in health research institutes in the Pau Viladiu conference hall at Duran i Reynals Hospital.

The event was attended by Gabriel Capella, head of research and innovation in Health at the Department of Health, the general director of the Catalan Institute of Oncology, Candela Calle and the director of IDIBELL, Jaume Reventós. The Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at the University of Barcelona, ​​Jordi Alberch, the new manager of Metropolitan South Area of the Catalan Health Institute, Antoni Andreu and the head of research at the Hospital of Vilamoura, Mercè Barenys assisted too.

The director of the ICO, Candela Calle, has been responsible for opening the event and has welcomed the new director of the ISCIII highlighting the importance of research in the Campus Bellvitge because “today’s research is tomorrow’s medicine” . The director of IDIBELL, Jaume Reventós emphasized the presence of all the institution partners and their commitment to get aligned to face future challenges. He also thanked the researchers “their excellent work during the difficult times that have managed to hold IDIBELL’s scientific productivity.”

In his first visit to one of the centers accredited by the ISCIII, Fernández-Crespo has talked about how “at this time of maturity of the health research institutes that living centers like IDIBELL, we must reflect on how to achieve success.”
According to Fernández-Crespo, we should first define what we consider success in our sector but “we only succeed when we get align what we want to be with how we want to achieve it, being able to work all in the same direction, as a rowing team does”.

The event responsible for research and innovation in Health, Department of Health of the Government, Gabriel Capella, has closed the event and thanked Jesus Fernandez-Crespo that his first visit as director of ISCIII has been in Catalonia because “it is a recognition of Catalonia as a major player in quantity and quality of health research “. He also thanked the “oxygenated debate” about the challenges of internationalization: “we are internationally competitive or we won’t survive.”

ISCIII entourage visited some of the facilities IDIBELL as the laboratory of Metabolism and Cance, the Proteomics Unit, the Laboratory of Translational Research and the Sarcomas lab.

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